
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Congress Moving Ahead To Fund 'Green New Deal'
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Technocracy News & Trends for Monday, February 3, 2020
Congress is ignoring the Executive Branch's position on climate change and is racing forward to spend trillions to fund the Green New Deal proposed by AOC and Sen. Ed. Markey.
The impact of the coronavirus goes far deeper than living or dying, and threatens to disrupt the delicate global supply chain, which in turn could disrupt finances and manufacturing.
Stories covered today
House Sneaks Green New Deal Spending Into Infrastructure Framework
Democrats Push National Climate Bank To Further ‘Green New Deal’
Coronavirus: An Analysis In Relation To Technocracy
Globalization Faces Disaster With Supply Chain Leaving China

Monday Jan 27, 2020
Global Elite Square Up Behind Technocracy
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Technocracy News & Trends for Monday, January 27, 2020
It's unmistakable and undeniable. The global elite, including the Bank for International Settlements, central banks, the World Economic Forum and even Pope Francis/Catholic Church, have all taken the swan dive into the deep end of Green Economy, Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.
Stories covered today
Pope Francis Calls For ‘New Economy’
WEF Debuts Framework For Central Bank Digital Currency
Financial Crisis: BIS Warns On ‘Green Swan’ Climate Event
Collapsed: NJ Vaccine Bill To End Religious Exemptions Rejected

Monday Jan 20, 2020
Telecoms facing uphill battle on 5G rollout
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Technocracy News & Trends for Monday, January 20, 2020
You will never see or hear about success stories of 5G protests or blocking legislation, yet there are dozens of nations throwing up roadblocks over the potential health risks of electromagnetic radiation and over data privacy. 5G is not a fait accompli.
Stories covered today
Telecoms Face Major Global Resistance To 5G Rollout
Killer Robots: Still No International Laws To Govern Their Use
China’s Doom: Birthrate Lowest Since Founded In 1949

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Arizona State University Promotes Regionalism For Smart City Tech
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Technocracy News & Trends for Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Regional governance is the arch-enemy and destroyer of a “republican form of government” as guaranteed to the states by the U.S. Constitution. ASU started the “Smart Region Initiative” that will impose Smart City policies throughout the region.
The president of Arizona State University, Dr. Michael Crow, is also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the CIA’s private venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel. SRI is essentially modeled after In-Q-Tel to provide tech ‘incubators’ and ‘sandboxes’ to advance experimental Smart City technology and policies throughout the Phoenix region. SRI is also partnered with the Maricopa Association of Governments to help impose its policies upon 22 cities and 4.2 million people while bypassing duly elected city councils.
To say that SRI is a swarm of unelected and unaccountable Technocrats is an understatement. Furthermore, SRI is attracting other Technocrat companies from all over the world.
Stories covered today
‘Complete Streets’ Programs Are Sweeping Over American Cities

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Nine Key Technocracy Forecasts For 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Technocracy News & Trends for Tuesday, January 6, 2020
A key element to total surveillance is geospatial tracking (GeoInt) and monitoring of everything that moves. GeoInt was originally developed by the military for the military, but now it will power Smart Cities around the globe.
The embedded videos are critical for you to watch and contemplate. Take them to all of your locally elected officials and show them WHY they should reject Smart City makeover.
Lastly, I offer nine 2020 forecasts as I see it through the lens of Technocracy.
Stories covered today
Andrew Yang: The Techno-Populist Candidate

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Erskine Overnight: The Twelve Days of Technocracy
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Technocracy News & Trends for Monday, January 6, 2020
Erskine Overnight did a great radio interview on my series, The Twelve Days of Technocracy that I wrote before Christmas. We cover as much as possible in 39 minutes. Note that the radio ads had to be left in the audio stream.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
How the US Lost Control Over The Internet
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Technocracy News & Trends for Tuesday, December 31, 2019
In 2016, I wrote Technocracy: The Real Reason Why The UN Wants Control Over The Internet and explained why President Obama purposely failed to renew the contract with ICANN to serve U.S. Interests. Now, you see the result.
Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport has a clear understanding of modern and historic Technocracy, and is able to paint a crystal-clear word picture on where it is taking us in the near future. Read this!
Stories covered today
Rappoport: A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy
U.N. Approves New Internet Convention Backed By Russia And China
Technocracy: The Real Reason Why The UN Wants Control Over The Internet

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Days 11 and 12 of Patrick Wood's 12 Days of Christmas Essays
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Technocracy News & Trends for Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Day 11: Techno-populism is a very timely observation because it describes much of what is happening in the Western world today. President Trump was elected on a Populist surge but promotes Technocrats to actually make things run.
Day 12: Americans have overcome seemingly insurmountable enemies in our past, but only to the extent that we came together as AMERICA and threw off the forces that sought to bury us.
Stories covered today
Day 11: Technocracy And The Rise Of Techno-populism

Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Days 9 and 10 of Patrick Wood’s Twelve Days of Christmas Essays
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Technocracy News & Trends for Saturday, December 21, 2019
Day 9: A main object of Technocracy and Sustainable Development is to transfer resources out of the hands of people and their representative institutions into the hands of a global common trust operated by the global elite.
Day 10: Technocrats have long since hijacked the American education system for their own agenda. What once was a system of actual education of students, has now become a system to produce nothing more than conditioned Technocrat workers.
Stories covered today

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Days 7 and 8 of Patrick Wood's Twelve Days of Christmas Essays
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Technocracy News & Trends for Thursday, December 19, 2019
Day 7: The evidence supports the analysis: China is a full-blown Technocracy and the first of its kind on planet earth, thanks to the clever manipulation and support of Western elites like the Trilateral Commission.
Day 8: Bloomberg Financial has declared the Bank for International Settlements to be a "bastion of global technocracy" as central banks prepare to reset the global economy into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.